
The Need 

Children’s Mercy Critical Care Transport is the only 24-hour a day, seven day a week transport program in the region dedicated exclusively to neonates, children and adolescents. Children’s Mercy Critical Care Transport’s ground fleet is one of the busiest pediatric transport teams in the nation. With more than 5,300 pediatric transports annually, the Children’s Mercy Critical Care Transport team continues to have a need to grow their fleet of specially designed ground ambulances.


Children’s Mercy Ambulances:

  • are equipped with safety restraints
  • have specially designed lock-down system for the isolettes and stretchers
  • include stereos and DVD players to provide distraction therapy
  • EMTs and Paramedics that hold KS and MO driver’s licenses and EMT/EMT-P licenses


Our Impact

Partnering with the Automobile Dealers of Greater Kansas City, Fore the Kids Foundation purchased 3 new ambulances for Children’s Mercy in 2015 and 2016.

Dollars raised for 3 Ambulances