Blue Valley Education Foundation

Blue Valley Education Foundation

The Blue Valley Educational Foundation empowers teachers to go beyond traditional classroom limits to enable their students to innovate, lead, and, most importantly, learn for their futures. Through the grants that they award, they provide the support needed for their teachers and staff to personalize their approach to teaching each student, maximizing outcomes for each and every child in the district. They proudly partner across all parts of our community to ensure that the students in our community have access to all the support they need to be successful

Their mission is simple: enrich educational excellence. They accomplish this through the generosity of our community partners that support their outreach, financial development, and ongoing funding of extraordinary educational programs.


Our Impact:

Each year, Fore the Kids Foundation donates $5000 worth of scholarships to BVEF. Since 2009, Fore the Kids has donated a total of $60,000 in scholarships 


Dollars raised